  • 多名行政會議成員與立法會議員接受航空公司款待豪遊法國,被指有利益輸送之嫌,多名參與者先後道歉捐款,但個別人士至今拒絕認錯,理由是過往亦有同類款待。加上他已按規定申報,堅持做法無問題,而港府亦為其背書,強調行會申報機制嚴謹健全。




    Loopholes in declaration mechanisms

    arouse suspicion of interest transfer

    A number of Executive Councillors and Legislative Councillors are criticized over potential transfer of interest after an airline treated them to a luxurious junket to France. Although many of the participants offered apologies and donations afterwards, one still refused to admit his fault. Stating that there had been similar entertainments before and he had already made declaration in accordance with the rules, he insisted the junket was nothing wrong. The Hong Kong Government also endorses his act, stressing the declaration mechanism of the Executive Council is strict and sound.

    Passing the buck to the system whenever an issue comes up is nothing new. In fact, the problem does not lie with the declaration itself, but the sensitivity of the bigwigs. If they ignore public perception and use the declaration system as a talisman, the public will never be convinced.

    Things change. What was reasonable in the past may not be reasonable now. What was tolerable in the past may not be tolerable now. It is not a newly emerging practice that business establishments sponsor trips for public officers. There is uproar today because the public sentiment has changed. In the old days, people trusted that the civil service was clean. However, in view of the increasing “Mainlandization” of local official circles in recent years, the public is worried that Hong Kong's core value of a corruption-free government may be damaged. It is only reasonable for the people to ask for a more disciplined civil service and an interest declaration system that keeps abreast with the times.

    For their own interests, commercial establishments would lobby public officers through all sorts of channels in a bid to influence their decision-making. Places like the United States and Taiwan have, for the sake of enhancing transparency, already legislated against business lobbying. The existing interest declaration system and the regulation of business lobbying in Hong Kong are, in comparison, far from transparent. Only by reviewing and radically reforming the relevant mechanisms can the public's doubt about government-business collusion be dispelled.


    junket 公費旅遊

    bigwig 權貴

    business lobbying 商業游說

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