廉政掃地久堪哀 誰與前朝養禍胎




Who has ruined the reputation of ICAC?

The former Chief Executive of Hong Kong, Sir Donald Tsang, and the former Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), Timothy Tong, used their public office for private gain and had never hesitated to enjoy free entertainments. Both can be hailed as the typical example of greedy bureaucrats. However, while the investigation report on Tong will soon be released, the probe into Tsang's case is, without rhyme or reason, still hanging in the air. With an abundance of irrefutable evidences, the Oriental Press Group single-handedly disclosed that Tsang had accepted advantages in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, and had been treated to luxurious junkets on sea, on land and by air. For this anti-corruption drama, all we have heard so far were noises. When will the protagonists appear on stage?

In reality, the cases of Tong and Tsang can be said to be closely related. Now 19 months have lapsed, and the Administration is still silent. Nobody would believe that there is no ulterior motive. Working hand in glove with and attaching himself to tycoons, Tsang was once discovered taking a free ride to Macau on Ho Tsui-kwok's deluxe yacht. When asked if he had been interrogated by the ICAC on Tsang's case, Ho refused to give a direct answer. His awkward reaction really afforded food for thought.

The wave of anti-corruption is so vast and might that it can be stopped by no one. Even on the graft-infested Mainland, the waves of anti-corruption run higher one after another. From the trials of high government officials Bo Xilai and Wang Lijun, to the recent investigation into the senior management of state-owned enterprises, the Chinese Government's determination to fight corruption is all too clear. If Hong Kong ranks lower in cleanliness than other democratic societies, we can still barely accept it. How can it be borne that now we are even inferior to the Mainland! Ever since the handover, Hong Kong has been sinking and everything has been steadily deteriorating. If even a knife as sharp as ICAC also rusts, is it the result of "one country two systems"? Is this decline what "Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong" entails?


use public office for private gain 假公濟私

work hand in glove with 勾勾搭搭

afford food for thought 耐人尋味

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