

卡梅倫當日在議會上,批評工黨黨魁科爾賓早前到訪加來與難民會面。他說:「他們在加來與一群移民會面,並說他們可以前來英國,而他們唯一從不捍衞的人,便是那些辛勞工作的英國家庭。(They met with a bunch of migrants in Calais and said they could come to Britain - the only people they never stand up for are hardworking British families.)」

卡梅倫的言論立即引起工黨強烈反彈,科爾賓事後更致函他,稱對他的措辭感到可恥。不過,卡梅倫拒絕收回言論與道歉:「我只是說清楚科爾賓當日在做甚麼,而他便是與移民對話,並告訴他們可以前來英國。(I was making a clear point that what Jeremy Corbyn was doing was talking with migrants and telling them they could come to Britain.)」

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