

科爾賓指:「我們正演變成一個喪屍民主國家,一黨專政之日不遠矣。(We are now at risk of having a zombie democracy roaming around a one party state.)」他續稱:「我從未像此時此刻一樣擔憂,保守黨正企圖握着權力,好讓政權歷久不衰。」

科爾賓揚言:「當我領導的政府站在國會面前,將宣布我們已從保守黨的攻勢復原,再賦予人們曾經被剝奪的權利,成立一個年度解放日。」(We will declare an annual democracy day, when my government stands before Parliament to declare what we have done to roll back Tory attacks and advance the rights of the common man and woman.)

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