潔淨能源代價高 監管電費淪空談
Clean energy is expensive and the SCAs are just hot air
The Government and the two power companies are now conducting the Interim Review of the Scheme of Control Agreements (SCAs). As the terms and conditions cannot be changed unilaterally, it is unlikely that the permitted rate of return will be reduced. On the contrary, electricity tariff will continue to rise because a larger proportion of power generation will come from burning natural gas.
Despite the fact that the two power companies are reaping profits annually, they keep on raising their tariffs year after year. The Government can do nothing about it as long as their rates of return do not exceed the set ceiling of 9.99%. New 10-year-SCAs were signed in 2008, but the old approach of pegging net asset value with permitted return was unfortunately still adopted. Moreover, new conditions requiring the introduction of emission reduction were added. As a result, the two power companies had to invest heavily in green generation facilities, which in the end became their excuse for increasing tariff.
Clean energy is obviously the mainstream of power generation in the future. The Government will later publish a consultation paper on the fuel mix for electricity generation, asking the public to choose between low tariff and clean, safe energy.
In order to improve the environment and see a blue sky again, people would not be reluctant to pay more for natural gas. The problem is the Government has only been paying lip service when it comes to controlling electricity tariff. Increasing the use of natural gas for electricity generation would give the power companies an excuse to endlessly make exorbitant demand for tariff hike. How is the Government going to protect consumer rights? On environmental protection, the Government is at its wit’s end and only resorts to asking the public to pay. To improve air quality, electricity tariff has to go up. To reduce waste at source, refuse handling charge and glass bottle recycling fee have to be imposed. Taxation is its only means. What in reality has the Government done for environmental protection? What measures are there to alleviate the burden on people?
hot air 空談, 吹牛
peg with 掛鈎
at one’s wit’s end 黔驢技窮