政壇:睇社論學英文:餘孽復辟沒安定 舊患不除難繁榮




If the old complaints are not addressed, Hong Kong cannot prosper

With the advent of the New Year, Hong Kong has again become the "capital of demonstrations". Demonstrators waved the old British Hong Kong flag once more to call back the spirit of the demised colonial government, and this is definitely not an auspicious sign. In his New Year speech, the Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said that, like every Hong Kong citizen, he faces the 365 new days with new hopes. The problem is: wishes with grandiloquence cannot cover up the fact of an incompetent government failing to turn the tide.

15 and a half years after the handover, the governance of Hong Kong is still chaotic. The so-called development of economy, promotion of industrial diversification and improvement of people's livelihood are reduced to nothing but empty slogans. While the city's economy is at a standstill and living standard has dropped, the middle class that is supposed to be a stabilising force in society is impoverished and the grass-rooters suffer even more. Hong Kong's competitiveness has gradually been eroded by cumulative grievances, political fights and internal strives. With Donald Tsang's 7-year regime, the city has depraved even more: the Government’s collusion with the business sector is getting more blatant, the gap between the rich and the poor is widening and property prices are soaring. What is even more unbearable is Donald Tsang's misfeasance scandal. Not only did he corrupt discipline, he also derogated the city's core value of an honest and clean civil service.

Poor governance has already inflicted irremediable damage on Hong Kong. The mainstream concerns in the community are now the economy and people's livelihood. Although the Government is also determined to rule better, its ability unfortunately falls short of its wishes, and it is unable to make breakthroughs or overcome obstacles. With so many old complaints, it would be easier said than done for Hong Kong to transcend the predicament and be reborn.


turn the tide 扭轉形勢

one's ability falls short of one's wishes 心有餘而力不足

easier said than done 說易行難

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