政壇:睇社論學英文:利潤管制不廢 兩電加價不止




If the Scheme of Control Agreement is not abolished, the two power companies will not stop increasing their tariffs

Hong Kong's two power companies, CLP and HK Electric, announced that they would increase their tariffs by 5.9% and 2.9% respectively next year. When public utilities raise their charges, a chain reaction is doomed to ensue and many industries will follow suit and then transfer their new costs onto consumers. Among the many increases the public has to face in paying for their daily necessities, the pressure of a heavier household electricity bill has an amplifying effect on their burden.

After a greatly lucrative year in 2011, the two power companies continued to perform well in the first half of this year. CLP had a profit of over $3.3 billion, whereas HK Electric's profit even exceeded $4.3 billion. It is entirely the Hong Kong Government's responsibility that the power companies are still raising their tariffs after making so much money. According to the two companies' Scheme of Control Agreement (SCA), their highest profit is set at 9.99% of their average net value of fixed asset. As long as the profit has not reached this ceiling, they can increase their tariffs in accordance with the SCA. Similar to the MTR's mechanism which allows fares to be adjusted both upwards and downwards, and the private cross-harbour tunnels' reasonable rate of return, the SCA is also a disguised exploitation of the public. With such lopsided terms in the mechanisms and the SCA, conglomerates are "authorised" to increase their charges.

The SCA is a legacy left by the British colonial administration of Hong Kong. Its original intention was to lure power companies into constant investments in their power-generation facilities. However, the era of high growth and high inflation is gone. It is untimely that the power companies are still allowed to enjoy a profit control ceiling of almost 10%. There are 5 more years before the two power companies' SCA expires. The Government should promptly begin to investigate the possibility of opening up the market and introducing competition. To solve the endless tariff-hike problem once and for all, the Government should use market liberalisation as leverage to abolish the SCA.


transfer the cost onto consumers 把成本轉嫁給消費者

disguised exploitation 變相剝削

lopsided term 傾斜條款

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