政壇:睇社論學英文:統計數據也造假 港府誠信剩多少




How much integrity is left in the Hong Kong Government now that even the CSD is forging statistical data?

It is alleged that the Census and Statistics Department (CSD) forged survey data. After the scandal broke, the Government rushed to stamp out the flames. As the Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying expressed grave concern about the matter, the CSD immediately launched preventive measures such as enhancing double-checks and surprise inspections, while the Commissioner for Census and Statistics set up a task force headed by herself to look into the matter.

Unfortunately, the incident has already dealt a heavy blow to the integrity of the Hong Kong Government. People's trust is not that easy to rebuild.

In the past few days, CSD staff blew one whistle after another. To "improve work efficiency", it is suspected that CSD frontline officers deliberately omit certain questions in their questionnaires, make up answers and avoid sub-divided flats. As a result, the statistics on unemployment rate and sub-divided residences cannot reflect the full picture and many vulnerable people are unable to receive the help they need. However, one is surprised that the CSD management has strangely never discovered the problem.

The issue is not just a simple matter of the frontline officers' perfunctory attitude. The CSD admits that the present system may be unreasonable in certain areas. For example, if a frontline officer interviews, the multiple units individually in a sub-divided flat, the interviews would be regarded as one single interview. Consequently, the frontline officers are tempted to lessen work and forge interview results. Moreover, the CSD only attaches importance to the success rate of interviews, and pays no attention to the completeness and accuracy of data. The more forged data a statistician provides, the faster his promotion. On the contrary, those that refuse to log incorrect information to save time are repelled. As time passes, the whole department wallows in the same mire and data forgery becomes systematic. Under such circumstances, no matter how much the CSD beefs up its random checks, the effort will be of no avail.

Incidentally, it is utterly unconvincing for the department to investigate its own staff.


stamp out the flames 撲火

deal a heavy blow to 對……造成沉重打擊

blow one whistle after another 接連爆料

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