政壇:睇社論學英文:楚雖三戶能亡秦 堂堂中國竟無人

  • 「九一一」,一個特別的日子,它既是美國人的「國恥日」,同時也是中國人的「國恥日」。二○一二年九月十一日,日本政府無視中國政府的反對和警告,無視中國人民的怒吼和抗議,正式確定將釣魚島「國有化」,在中國人傷口撒鹽,這一天,所有炎黃子孫都必須牢牢記住!




    Why does the formidable China not fight back?

    911, a special day. While it is "National Humiliation Day" for the Americans, it has now also become "National Humiliation Day" for the Chinese. On 11 September, 2012, the Japanese government, turning a blind eye to the objections and warnings from the Chinese government and turning a deaf ear to the angry roars and protests of the Chinese people, officially decided to "nationalize" the Diaoyu Islands, rubbing salt in the Chinese's wounds. This is a day that all Chinese should keep firmly in mind!

    The Japanese government euphemizes its invasion of Chinese territory as "maintaining stability". It stated that it was sending officials to Beijing to exchange views, hoping the Chinese government would "understand". Such serpentine logic is simply an insult to the wisdom of Chinese people. The Japanese's hidden vulgar ambition is finally revealed. If the Chinese government does not take any strong counter measure now, perhaps the Diaoyu Islands will be severed from China forever. It is regretful that Beijing not only failed to strike back forcefully, but went so far as to clamp down time and again on civilians' movements for defending the Diaoyus. Earlier on, the Chinese government's mouthpiece even published an article criticizing the Diaoyu heroes' act of landing on the island to assert sovereignty, alleging it would "damage the country". Such stupid reactions would only sadden its friends and gladden its enemies.

    Lessons learned from the past can guide one in the future. In the last century, from the Sino-Japanese War more than a hundred years ago, through the War of Resistance Against Japan 70 years ago, to the Diaoyu dispute today, China has been subjected to endless bullying and humiliation by the Japanese. Now Japan is gearing up again for another invasion. The Japanese government increases armaments on one hand, while embraces the USA and ropes in the Philippines and Vietnam on the other hand.

    The East China Sea, South China Sea and the Yellow Sea are all turbulent right now. If the Chinese government is still full of wishful thinking and intoxicated with the fond dream of peace, the tragic history may repeat itself anytime!


    turn a blind eye to視若無睹

    turn a deaf ear to置若罔聞

    rub salt in somebody wound 在某人的傷口上撒鹽

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