政壇:睇社論學英文:活化工廈未見利 助長炒風先見害




Disadvantages precede advantages in the revitalization of industrial buildings

To vacate the precious site occupied by the Mongkok office of the Water Supplies Department (WSD), the Hong Kong Government plans to spend $170 million on the purchase of an industrial building in the Western New Territories in order to convert it into a new WSD office. However, with the Government's introduction of the policy to revitalise industrial buildings and the harsh measures to curb property speculation, speculators have turned their attention onto industrial buildings. As a result, the price of industrial buildings skyrockets; some of the unit owners in the industrial building the Government intends to buy raise their asking price to double that of the Government's offer. The Government's plan of relocating the WSD Mongkok office is likely to go on the rocks, and it appears that the Government has proverbially picked up a stone only to drop it on its own feet.

In 2009, the Donald Tsang Government launched, without proper advance planning, the policy to revitalise industrial buildings. After the news was released, investors swarmed to buy industrial buildings in all districts, leading to a sharp increase in their selling prices and rentals. The local creative-industry practitioners that had been renting industrial building units as studios bore the brunt. While some of them had to face the pressure of rising rentals, others were even forced to move out. The original intention of revitalising industrial buildings was to provide inexpensive space for creative-industry practitioners, but things turn out contrary to the Government's wishes.

Official data show that 88 applications have been received since the implementation of the policy. Most are proposals to convert industrial buildings into hotels, offices, restaurants, or retail and service spaces. The policy can only increase commercial floor areas at most; nurturing the development of the six major industries is out of the question. On the other hand, the selling prices and rentals of industrial buildings have been on the rise. Since 2009, the relevant selling price index has doubled, proving that the revitalisation of industrial buildings is reduced to a new real estate project and has departed from the policy intent of flexibly using land resources.


go on the rocks 觸礁

pick up a stone only to drop it on one's own feet 搬起石頭砸自己的腳

things turn out contrary to one's wishes 事與願違

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