

科爾賓在一場地方黨會議上承認,若有諮詢黨員意見,應能避免早前犯下的連串錯誤,因此希望在黨內發起「民主革命」。他說:「為何不在兩次年度會議之間,容許黨員就政策參與象徵性的網上投票,好讓基層黨員及支持者有真正的發言權?(Why not give members the chance to take part in indicative online ballots on policy in between annual conferences - and give our grassroots members and supports a real say?)」

在保留英軍戰略核潛艇一事上,科爾賓因反對而惹來部分黨員不滿,他也藉此重申自己的領導地位:「我被選出來表達數百萬人的抱負及擔憂,當中數十萬人授權我這樣做。(I have been elected to lead, to express the aspirations and concerns of millions of people - hundreds of thousands of whom gave me my mandate.)」

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