



Plagued again by zero-fee tours,the tourism industry can hardly uproot its problems

To combat the unhealthy trend of "zero tour fee", the Tourism Law has come into force on the Mainland since October last year, prohibiting travel agencies from luring customers with overly low tour fees and coercing them to shop at designated locations.  As a result, the number of Mainland tours arriving in Hong Kong plummeted by 40 to 50%.  However, the effect was water under the bridge and now the zero-fee tours have returned.  The problem of forced shopping, tour guides swearing at tour members and abandoning them deteriorates once again.

Lately, in the name of such invented titles such as the Hong Kong Macau Tourism Development Authority, some unscrupulous travel agencies are issuing "free travel coupons".  They claim that, thanks to commercial sponsorship, visitors can join their tours by just paying a tour guide fee of RMB200, and then can enjoy a 4-day trip to Hong Kong and Macau.  On the whole trip, with carrot and stick, by hook or by crook, the guides arrange for the tour members to shop intensively.  If the tourists do not comply, they would simply be abandoned by the guides.

Despite the Mainland measures, shopping tours have not been rooted out.  It is because the Tourism Law is flawed with loopholes.  It has neither regulated promotional tricks, nor specified a law enforcement agency.  The most ironic thing is that the Tourism Law stipulates no forced shopping, but travel agencies can circumvent the provision by merely asking their tour members to sign a prior consent form.  There are no free lunches in this world. Some tourists willingly step into the trap for small gains, and consequently end up getting ripped off big-time.

The responsibility for such chaos in Hong Kong's tourism industry should be borne by the industry practitioners, tourists, as well as the Chinese and Hong Kong governments.  To tackle the problem at the root, the two governments must suit the remedy to the case and adopt a multi-pronged approach. Only by doing so can both the symptoms and the root cause be treated, and the problem be eliminated completely.


water under the bridge 事過境遷

carrot and stick 威逼利誘

suit the remedy to the case 對症下藥

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