醫局改朝換代 最怕新瓶舊酒




Although the HA has a chairman change,

it is feared that it may just be old wine in a new bottle

A new broom sweeps clean. Before officially starting his job, Professor John Leong Chi-yan, the new Hospital Authority (HA) chairman just appointed by the Hong Kong Government, has made his diagnosis of the sickness-ridden HA. He thinks that the HA is inadequate in the provision of world-class healthcare service to the public, in the training of young doctors so that they can reach top international standards, and in doing clinical and innovative researches.

John Leong, a famous medical professor who has been in public office for many years, is equipped with rich public administration experience. As an expert parachuted into the HA, he was not firing blindly when he pointed out HA’s deficiencies. As is known to all, the 20-plus-year-old HA is afflicted with all ills. The most castigated issue is the cluster system, which is almost like the ancient feudalism wherein the feudal princes all set up their own independent regimes. The service quality of each cluster is so different that whether a patient receives good or bad service depends entirely on where he lives. It is genuinely a healthcare “wealth gap”. What is most inconceivable is that the clusters would come up with all sorts of plots and even frauds in order to garner resources. Earlier on, the Continence Clinic under Tung Wah Hospital was exposed to have rigged the number of patients. To exaggerate the public’s demand for its service, staff members were counted as patients so as to avoid the cutting of funding. It is evident that the cluster system has become a shield for the people with vested interests.

“Whoever does not reform will have to step down.” This well-known saying by Deng Xiao-ping is totally applicable to the HA. A change of chairmanship is an opportune moment for the HA. Can the new chairman overcome the obstacles imposed by those with vested interests? Can he reform the HA and raise the level of Hong Kong’s public healthcare service? These are both queries and expectations.


old wine in a new bottle:新瓶舊酒

a new broom sweeps clean:新官上任三把火

afflicted with all ills:千瘡百孔

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