
Concealment of interests uncovers defect in declaration systems




Paul Chan, Secretary for Development, being in charge of the promotion of the North East New Territories Development, was accused of hoarding land in the district. It drew suspicion to the potential conflict of interest regardless of his endless emphasis that his wife had sold the interests in land previously owned by her and other family members last October. He reiterated that it was a bona fide transaction and was not made in form of trust. However, his refusal to disclose further details increases public doubts.

According to published data, the land was purchased by Chan and it was held by a family company of Chan's wife. He didn’t sell the respective shares and resign as Director until last year. Since the shares owned by Chan's wife was re-sold to a family member, the public thus questioned whether the transaction was arranged in form of trust. Outpouring of public distrust of the event, it shows that the existing declaration system is devoid of public trust. Currently, accountability officials and council members are only required to disclose the interests jointly owned with their spouses and children for public inspection. There is a large grey area in this declaration system. For someone who intends to conceal his interest, it is a walk in the park for what he needs to do is transfer individual interest to the names of family members. This would be enough to evade regulation and for any transfer of benefits to take place.

In fact, the interest declaration code for members of the legislative council is full of holes. Ronny Tong from the Civic Party was discovered in the past two terms of office of eight years that he failed to declare holding a number of shares of local and overseas companies; Albert Ho from the Democratic Party was denounced for confusing "party property" and "private property ", and blamed for the omission of declaring the possession of company shares. It is obvious that the current executive and legislative declaration systems are disruptive, which call for immediate re-examination and tightening.


bona fide 真正的

devoid of 缺乏

a walk in the park 易如反掌

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