山雨欲來風滿樓 政熱經冷最堪憂





A wind-filled house heralds a tempest: it is worrying that people only focus on politics and slight the economy

While the constitutional reform argument in Hong Kong is turning white-hot, the high-profile intervention of external powers now adds fuel to the fire. Nobody pays much attention to economic development as society is being politicized. In fact, Hong Kong's real crisis lies with the economy, not constitutional reform.

The UK and the US are blatantly intervening in the affairs of Hong Kong. In the past few days, the Central Government has unleashed conspicuous criticisms on their actions. But Anson Chan and Martin Lee, the agents of these external powers, are already impatiently countering with their defense of the two countries. The argument about constitutional reform is no longer just a row between the Hong Kong Government and its opposition, but all the more a fierce fight between the Central Government and external powers. Political unrest is doomed to destabilize the economy, likely drowning Hong Kong at any moment.

Hong Kong's index of export has fallen below 50, the dividing line between prosperity and decline, reflecting a lack of confidence by enterprises in the city's export. The US may withdraw its Qualitative Easing measures and the external economic performance is volatile. Hong Kong's tenacity can be compromised by just a mere rustle of leaves in the wind. The damage from a potential economy collapse will be much more devastating than those brought by the Asian financial crisis and the financial tsunami.

The economic structure of Hong Kong is fragile. Monopolized by finance, the city suffers high property prices, unaffordable rents and soaring commodity costs. It is increasingly difficult to do business here. The Government already has its hands full coping with a community obsessed with political fights; it simply does not have the extra capacity to handle an economic crisis. The greatest crisis of Hong Kong is that it has no sense of crisis. Shanghai and other neighbouring cities are all geared up to develop their economies, yet Hong Kong is bogged down in an inextricable mire of politics. Should a crisis befall, what is the use of universal suffrage even if we get one?


turn white-hot:白熱化

the rustle of leaves in the wind:風吹草動

bogged down in a mire:陷入泥沼

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