

歐思邦半認真半開玩笑地說:「若你走入書店偷竊,你就要坐監。不過若你是在大型投資銀行任職市場經紀,並欺詐民眾數以百萬英鎊,就不用面對刑事責任。(If you go and shoplift at the local WH Smiths you go to prison. But if you're the market trader on the trading floor of a big investment bank, and you rip off people to the tunes of millions of pounds, there are no criminal offences to deal with you.)」

歐思邦更稱,明白為何民眾仍然對銀行家「火遮眼」,因為這是一場有史以來最大型的經濟崩潰,但部分銀行家沒有悔意。席間他又透露半點微言:「對於可以索性繼續向前走的想法,我認為有點兒樂觀了。(The idea that you can just...move on is, I think, a bit optimistic.)」

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