廉署立案查貪湯 重建清譽此其時

It is time for the ICAC to redeem its reputation by investigating Tong the greedy





“Though the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small. Though with patience he stands waiting, with exactness grinds he all.” The former Commissioner of Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC), Timothy Tong Hin-ming, allegedly overspent from the public purse on receptions and gifts. This not only deals a heavy blow to Hong Kong's core value of anti-corruption, but also has a bad influence and arouses public indignation. The Department of Justice(DoJ) made a rare announcement , stating that ICAC would conduct a criminal investigation into the allegations. Since the establishment of ICAC 39 years ago, Timothy Tong is the first former Commissioner to be investigated by the graft-busting body itself. It is believed that Timothy Tong will have to face justice upon the completion of the investigation.

On the materials made available, the DoJ considers there is sufficient basis to warrant a criminal investigation into Timothy Tong for having possibly committed offences under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance and the common law offence of “misconduct in public office”. With the change of government in the last year, the Commissioner of ICAC has already been replaced. In addition, the DoJ has also put forward stringent criteria for selecting the ICAC officers who will be responsible for conducting the investigation. They must not have participated in any of the functions or events personally organized by Timothy Tong, and have no direct or indirect association or connection with Tong. Such safeguards should be able to ensure a fair and just investigation. One must pick oneself up off the floor. This is a good opportunity for the ICAC to redeem its reputation, demonstrate its resolve to fight corruption and restore people's trust.

Whether the ICAC can catch the big fish this time is not just a matter of reputation for the anti-graft body. “One country two systems” has guaranteed that the Hong Kong social systems and lifestyles remain unchanged. Anti-corruption and the rule of law are the two cornerstones that prevent our city from being “Mainlandized”. If Hong Kong cannot defend its core value of probity, how can “one country two systems” be sustained?


redeem one's reputation 重建清譽

arouse public indignation 掀起公憤

catch the big fish 打大老虎

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