政壇:睇社論學英文:重建公僕舊樓 聊補無米之炊




Redevelop civil servants’ quarters in order to make up for land shortage

The Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying assures the public that housing policy will be the most important task among all his policy agenda, stressing that every possible inch of land will be made available. In fact, other than developing rural areas and changing land uses, the Government can also increase the supply of land by redevelopment and raising plot ratio. The many lots of premium urban land owned by the Civil Servants Co-operative Building Society Scheme (CBS) are also a great land resource for redevelopment.

The CBS was launched by the Hong Kong Government as a form of civil servants' housing benefit. Since its introduction in the 1950s, more than 200 buildings have been constructed under the scheme with a total floor area of almost 900,000 square feet. If all of them are redeveloped, it is estimated that an extra 12,000 600-square-feet flats can be provided in the urban area, which will help to relieve the housing problem.

According to past experiences, the process for developers to acquire these old quarters for civil servants was lengthy and cumbersome. However, times have changed; what looked impossibly arduous in the past may be achievable today. Most of the CBS buildings were completed in the 1960s and 70s. They lack facilities, and some are not even equipped with elevators. As many of the owners are now elderly people, it is very difficult for them to climb up and down the stairs. They are more than willing to accept developers' offers so that they can move to Home Ownership Scheme or private housing units for a more comfortable retirement life. The Government should review the present arrangement in a timely manner and relax the relevant restrictions in a bid to speedily redevelop these lands. If developers do not have much interest in taking up such projects and the majority of owners would like to sell their legal titles, the Government should consider allowing the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) to intervene. An approach similar to the “demand-led” pilot scheme can be adopted, so that the URA can propose conditions for purchase and thus enhance land-use efficiency in time.


plot ratio 地積比率

lengthy and cumbersome 繁冗

demand-led 需求主導

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